I collaborated with Chef Johnny Hernandez of Grupo La Gloria on a personal story and recipe as told to Taste of the South for their July/August issue. I feel one of the strongest opportunities is for chefs to tell their story and philosophy in their own words. Not just for the obvious reason that you get to control the message, but providing quality, usable content to editors ensures you have a reputation as a reliable, go-to content source thus eliminating the heavy-lifting for them. And it’s a perfect opportunity to build a trusted, positive relationship with an editor once they know you can deliver well!
That’s why it’s so important as a communicator to know not only how to package and tell stories on someone’s behalf, but, in the case of popular chefs, to be able to guide and create a food story in their words. Knowing them well both professionally and personally it’s then seamless to step into their shoes and craft or ghostwrite a story that could have just as easily been told directly by them to a journalist.
Once you have that familiarity (and honestly sometimes it’s just something that comes with time), you can quickly execute on these chef narratives for media when opportunities arise. This was the case for Taste of the South. After an interview with Chef Johnny about the story he wanted to convey, I consolidated the facts and curated a 500-word narrative. The chef’s feedback: “Excellent, this sounds really good.” The associate editor’s feedback: “It is wonderful and perfect for this feature.” With minimal tweaks for styling, the piece ran almost word for word as submitted. Nailing an editorial project like this is a wonderful opportunity to make an editor’s job easier (and ensures you create a memorable impression for future coverage opportunities!).
Bottom line: Get to know your chef client well, ensure you can capture their voice, sharpen your interview and writing skills if you have to, and get to know the style of the medium you’re writing for. You will then provide an invaluable service for both your chef client and the editor.